Monday, April 1, 2013

Unity3d Get Heap and Memory Size

Unity3d is a very powerful game engine. Underneath it makes use of the awesome Mono framework, which makes it possible for people to write video games using C#. How awesomer can things get?

Below is a code snippet that one can use to get the heap size and the used memory size.

static extern long mono_gc_get_used_size();  //Amount Used

       static extern long mono_gc_get_heap_size(); //Total Amount

long memUsed = mono_gc_get_used_size();
long deltaMem = memUsed - previousMemUsed;
long heapSize = mono_gc_get_heap_size();
float percentageMemUsed = (memUsed / (float)heapSize) * 100;
previousMemUsed = memUsed;

For more profiling, use these tools:

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