Monday, February 25, 2008

Missing Links

The good thing about IT is that it is easy to stay up to date. Everything is happening on the Internet, and almost everything is reported there. This is why it is good to research as much as possible. Forums offer an endless supply of help on any problem you may bump into. And by endless, I actually mean it. This is due to the fact that if you do not find what you were looking for, you can pose your own question, and then people will answer you. Once they do, the answer is stored forever, for anyone else in the future who shall meet the same problem.
This is a beautiful cycle, and we are the first generations to witness it. It is more than beautiful... It makes me happy. Recently I was sick, and I stayed home from work for three days. So I decided to take all my university notes, go through them, and throw most of them away. Eventually this task turned out into a "throw everything away" party. It made me feel lighter, and refreshed. The tears strolling down my face were more of happiness, than of melancholy (or at least so I hope). The reason that an information squirrel like me felt totally fine with throwing everything out, is a one word answer... Google! My point was, Why keep all those archaic pieces of rusting paper in unaccessible useless cumbersome box files, when the same information is so easier accessible from Google in 0.03 seconds, or from Wikipedia. And this information is portable everywhere. And free. And updated. And referenced. Man... I love the 21st century!
Speaking of Google... I doubt that ever before were there so many possibilities in information gathering. I have always been fascinated by this topic, in fact I based my thesis on information acquisition, and presentation. This topic for me is immortal.
Blogs are another fantastic way of staying up to date. Obviously I do not refer to the boring and tedious blogs were people decide to drone on about at what time they woke up, and what they ate, or placing pictures of their pets. But rather to the more technically oriented blogs that one can find on the web. So today I will start sharing with you some links that I like to visit frequently, and I find to be informative.
Some discussions about current ideas, and also some important ideas. Also discusses some problems programmers face ( 0r cause ).
An interesting blog that helps people out with dealing with programming in the industry. Also speaks about topics like interviews. It is technical, without diving too much into technical details.
Meeting place for people using Microsoft technologies.
Good place to learn from other people's mistakes... and laugh at them when no one is looking.

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